2023 Summer Camps at KSCC...
We've made a few adjustments with second half camps this year to help us focus in on one age group camp each this summer and give our campers the best experience possible.
Dates for 2023
These are the dates for 2023:
(click on a Dean's name to email him/her)
1st - 3rd Camp - July 26-28
Earlybird: $70 / after $80
Deans: April Swang & Rittney Greer & Eric Dannefer
4th - 6th - July 20-23**
Earlybird: $100 / after $115
Deans: Luke Schreiber , Ben Hammack & Chris Ensley
Jr. High - July 6-10
Earlybird: $200 / after: $220
Deans: Andrew Jansen , Micah Crosley & Bryan Sammons
Sr. High - July 13-17
Earlybird: $200 / after May 3rd: $220
Deans: Mitch Myer, Kaleb Sackett & Matt Johnson

High School: June 14-18
Jr High: June 28- July 2
5-6: June 21-24
3-4: July 7-9
1-2: July 12-13
Day Camp Extravaganza: July 17
2022 Registration Form
(Click to Download)
Earlybird Deadline is Changing
We'll keep you apprised to when prices will INCREASE.
Not sure which camp your student should attend?
Students often attend the camps that are the same as the grade they will be entering into this next fall. Find one you want to attend? Get with one of our area partner Christian Churches or contact Camp Director Dave here. Need more info about your specific camp? Click on the dean's name to drop them an email!
**All camp registrations begin at 10am
EXCEPT FOR 3rd & 4th which begins at 4pm
**And all camps end by 1pm their last day
EXCEPT FOR Day camp which ends at 3pm.